Sunday, March 8, 2015

Forest Green

Pic credits to Si Jia who offered to help me take this picture outside the NAFA campus xD

Rather impromptu outing with Si Jia (arranged only 12 hours in advance hurhur). What was initially supposed to be an outing to try the newest yoghurt in town (Nookie Yoghurt) turned out to be an almost 6-hour long outing...during which we surprisingly took no pictures of the food we ate...I guess we were too busy talking hahaha.

So our day went a little like this:

Nam Nam > Nookie Yoghurt > Cineleisure > Sephora > Bag shopping LOL

I ended up buying a retractable make-up brush from Sephora ($19) as well as a Pusheen plushie ($20)... On my way to becoming broke at this rate hahaha

Anyway, the outfit consisted mainly of a simple skater dress I bought from Forever 21 ($35) when I went out with Eunice the other day! I was initially attracted to it because it was Wei Ling's favourite colour but after trying it on, I realised I liked the colour too so I decided to bring it home with me (Cue the weeping of my wallet/bank account).

It's a simple dress, really - but I feel that the texture of the grainy knit sweater really added dimension to and pulled the whole outfit together :)

I can definitely foresee this being a go-to dress for me on lazy days haha!

Jocelyn xx

Monday, March 2, 2015

Some people fall in love with just the touch of a hand

" And I'm thinking about how people fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of a hand. Oh me I fall in love with you every day... "

It's been months since I first met him. I never thought we would even become close, let alone...

I guess this player has found her match. But then again, maybe I'm no match, because I'm fighting a losing battle. The one who loves more will always lose because they will continue to let the other play with their sorry heart. And they can't do anything about it.